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时间:2017/6/17 09:08 分类:读后感


  Don't Sell Your Birthright for a Meof Pottage

  I've learnt a story from the Bible about Esau and his brother Jacob.They are twins. However, they are so different in temperament: Esau is rough and honest ,and Jacob ideceives. One day, Jacob cooks a stew . At this moment, Esau returns from hunting, very exhausted and thirsty, so he asks for it. But Jacob insists that Esau sell his birthright to him and swear an oath. And finally Esau does as Jacob says.

  As we can see , Esau sells his right as the firstborn just for a meof pottage. It is Esau not Jacob who has the right to inherit what his father owns. At such a low price, he sells it .He keeps his eyes only on immediate needs , without considerating long-term interests , which should be a lesson for all of us.

  Esau's story and lessons also apply to people like you and me ,who are living in a complex modern society. We are faced with too much temptation. In such cases, you are likely to be conqured and probably do something stupid. How to avoid this? What you can do ,from my point of view , is to keep your reason, stay cool-headed, think over and figure out a solution which can balance immediate interests and long-term interests.

  Through the whole story, we could feel that Maguerite pardon all of them. After tearing running down faces countless, and respect rising high in heart and soul, the conclusion seems so obvious: what ruined Marguerite is not Armond, and he never betrayed Marguerite, but the society. There was a slim chance for a kept woman to gain happineat that epoch; they had to come to the same end in different ways.

  To every woman, life is not all roses. In spite of bias, despoilment or hardship, love itself is universal. Marguerite really lives an abundant life, for she really appreciated a comprehensive love in her limited life journey.

  So, love srongly and passionately, although you may get deeply hurt, but it is the only way that you live completely.

  Best wishes for love, and best wishes for loved ones.(m.lizhi.com)

